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Fun little holiday horror game.

Where to download this game bro

(1 edit)



My cat enjoyed this game


Such an interesting game. It was dark at times, but added to the spookiness to it. It was short, but it got to the point. It was overall a very quiet game tough, so it through me off. Overall a pretty decent game, but since it's so short, it doesn't overstay it's welcome. 

Nice game !

Awesome game! 

The gameplay is at 4:17:07
Overall, the Xmas decorations was very pretty & it did make me smile a lot! & I thought the game was pretty nice, short & creepy! I wasn't sure of what to do at the end, because it was so dark & even at the start on the stairs, I couldn't see where I was going. 

Thanks for playing. I can see why the ending can be confusing lol

Perfect addition to my Advent CALENDAR SERIES on Youtube.

Fun little game, good work :)

Had a blast playing this! 

Solid holiday horror! idk if theres a legit ending but i tried my best to get in the room lol, i also tried the other rooms and tried waiting for him to pass by, by hiding behind couches, nothing worked! either way great game!

keep up the great work

I will be playing this live tomorrow 11/27 around 7 PM EST =)

The file is corrupt. I can't unzip. Already re-download several times and still corrupt :(

Try and use the Google Drive link to download the ZIP file. I think the error comes from itself.

AWESOME! Really got me scared with how LOUD Santa was lol. Nice work 👍

Thank you!

I can not unzip the file it writes corrupt

I've just added a Google Drive link, so try that and see if it works now.


Thanks for playing!